Jens Basten / Night In Gales
Bolt Thrower - In The Battle There Is No Law
I loved their iconic album "War Master" since its release, same with their second album "Realm Of Chaos – Slaves To Darkness" and "The IVth Crusade". I don't know why I to this date sucked and don't own a physical copy of this their debut and even don't know the records songs itself!! No more words needed - a 100% "must pick" here.
Dark Millennium - Where Oceans Collide
The new album of these German progressive death metal pioneers, their second one after their comeback a few years ago. Their first two albums "Ashore The Celestial Burden" and "Diana Read Peace" are worth to check out. Listened a 1000 times to "Diana Read Peace" back then in the mid 90ies. By the way, their singer Christian did some guest vocals on the 2018 Night In Gales album "The Last Sunsets". They always deliver unique and inspiring songwriting and they have their very own style, so I gotta pick this.
Iron Maiden - Killers
One of the most important metal releases of all time. Was not on my pick-list for this month, but just went to the Blood & Fire shop, saw it and pushed the pick-button. Need to have it on vinyl in my room to feel save and comfortable.
Seance - Fornever Laid To Rest
One of the best Swedish death metal releases, got it by release and it became one the most played discs of my collection. Seance did it different from the classic Entombed/Carnage/Grave thing, they brought some US-style Tampa, or more concrete early Morbid Angel/Atheist to the table. Love the album's natural production and even more important - the awesome songwriting here. One of these albums you know every word of, songs that return to your brain and stay there for days even if you just see the Seagrave artwork. As there is the vinyl re-issue now, I had to pick it. Wait for "Saltrubbed Eyes" vinyl re-issue now.
Venom - At War With Satan
The first Venom and "Black Metal" album my brother bought back then in the 80ies. It contains backward messages that lead you to the grave, haha! All that stuff is evil, so they said. And that's why kids had to own it. Maybe not their best release by all means, but I haven't listened to the songs for quite a while now and as I like the artwork a lot and it is a picture LP, I really have to pick this one now.