Pehr Skjoldhammer, Fredrik Sööberg, Niklas Åström, Jimmy Wiberg & Stefan Eriksson / Alfahanne
PEHR SKJOLDHAMMERFields Of The Nephilim - Elizium
“Elizium” is pure darkness and atmosphere, dreamy and slow. Love the vocals.Samael - Blood Ritual
“Blood Ritual” is the most sinister black metal album recorded all mid tempo, pure evil.FREDRIK SÖÖBERG
Dissection - Reinkaos
An album that is that kind of album you never get tired of and always in press on you. The sound, the riffs, the melodies, the darkness and the force. Perfect I think.Morbid Angel - Altar Of Madness
A true classic from the teenage. Not many come close to this and there is no better Death Metal album to this day. Pure evil, every second of it.
NIKLAS ÅSTRÖMSlayer - Reign In Blood
I bought when it was released and it changed my view on music. And still is something that I listen to a true masterpiece.Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
”Under A Funeral Moon” is total darkness and pure. When I heard it was like nothing else mattered. It is masterpiece.
JIMMY WIBERGArckanum - Antikosmos
The album “Antikosmos” has a very special place in my heart, reason for that I prefer not to talk about.Marduk - Dark Endless Dark
“Endless” was the first song I heard with Marduk. It was just at the same time in my life I knew that darkness is much bigger than the light.
STEFAN ERIKSSONSex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks
“Never Mind The Bollocks” is the only record you’ll need in the end (besides all Alfahanne’s, needless to point out). It’s truly a masterpiece for every mood.The Sisters Of Mercy - First And Last And Always
“First And Last And Always” stands the test of time. The songs are as catchy as they are dark. Fantastic album!